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6th Rail Action Day (RAD) 'Active shield'

6 -7 September 2017

RAILPOL - Railway Police Forces - is an international association of organizations responsible for policing the railways in EU Member States. The aim is to enhance and intensify international railway police cooperation in Europe, to prevent threats and guarantee the effectiveness of measures against cross-border crime, in order to contribute to a safe environment for passengers and people who, for various reasons, spend time in the stations.

Among the initiatives to achieve this aim, RAILPOL organizes coordinated operational actions with the participation of Police forces from Member States at national level. These operations are known as Rail Action Day (RAD). This one in particular, is called “Active Shield”.


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AquapolCERColpoferEuropean Rail Infrastructure ManagersEurojustEuropean Union Agency For RailwaysEuropean UnionEuropolFrontexRoadpolUICFBIAIRPOL Straż Ochrony Kolei